What's in a Nickname: To Tweet or Not to Tweet...
This country is a real Tweethole, and we got the biggest hole at the top, releasing his tweets all over it. Let Father Shmuck guide you thro

#I, Too
You too what, Brutus? Father Shmuck says here's an idea: next time you make a slogan that gets overused to the point of exhaustion, make

It's Such a Crime
With 2017 over, the results are in: stupidity is the #1 crime most Shmucks get away with. Especially in Florida. Oh, Florida.

Round Yon Virgin...
What did Father Shmuck bring you for Christmas this year? Regifted Christmas disappointment. I think one of the wise men originally gave it

There's No Biz Like Show Biz...Except Politics
Coming to Broadway this season, never before has there been an international collaboration like this - vibrating with hand-to-forehead Shmuc

If It Bends, It's Funny
Father Shmuck analyzes funny. Funny like how? Funny like a clown, he amuses you?!

Balls come in all shapes and sizes; small balls, big balls, white balls, yellow balls, orange balls, pig-skin balls, white balls with red st

Bang, Bang...Kiss, Kiss
Father Shmuck says take two 8mm's and call me in the morning. We're all deranged, so why not be deranged and heavily-armed. What a c

O.J. and Coffee to Go
Let's see what's in the news this week, shall we? Oh god...oh no...oh that's horrible...the humanity! Sorry, that was just the h

Welcome to the Hotel California
Flag on the field: looks like Father Shmuck is challenging the call. Ruling: Trump is mad about something else again. 4-year penalty.